Energy Supply

Energy Supply

The energy industry is characterised by legally ordained, fundamental structural change in the course of market liberalisation.
Unlike any other sector, the industry is subject to changing legal requirements in the face of constantly changing challenges. Only those businesses that surrender to change and regard this as an opportunity will remain market players in the future. What is more, energy industry framework conditions are currently extraordinarily challenging.
We have experience throughout Austria in the energy industry sector at all levels of value creation (production, distribution, electricity trading). Our diverse project experience and a compelling approach is at our clients’ disposal.

Our service offering includes:

  • Audit of funding statements
  • Financing advice for renewable-energy projects

Energy trading/structured procurement

  • Planning, appraisal and support for energy contracting

Electricity and gas networks, regulation

  • Valuation of electricity and gas networks at the transport and distribution network levels
  • Valuation of network companies
  • Expert opinions on fee calculations under the Austrian Gas Management Act (GWG), Green Electricity Act (Ökostromgesetz) and Electricity Industry and Organisation Act (ELWOG)
  • Audit of proof of origin statements under the GWG, the Green Electricity Act and the ELWOG
  • Unbundling reports
  • Modelling of regulatory parameters and simulation calculations
  • Special legal accounting issues (e.g. in connection with the regulatory account)

Electricity generation

  • Audits under the Austrian Combined Heat and Power Act (KWK-Gesetz) or the Green Electricity Act
  • Contaminated site risks/site recycling
  • Private solar power station projects

Renewable energy
Sustainable energy generation is the key to further successful business development.
BDO is committed to this goal and is a partner for project developers, operators and investors in alternative energy projects.

We are the right partner for working with you on specific issues such as:

  • Support in obtaining project financing
  • Cross-border structuring and support for renewable-energy projects
Gerhard Posautz

Gerhard Posautz

Partner, head of industry center public sector & administration, energy supply, health & social care